Pritz-systems Repeating Rifle

Pritz-systems Repeating Rifle

Pritz Nr. 1         Hammergun         Side-Lock Doublerifle

( can be disassembled without tools) TAKE DOWN

1. The repeating rifle is manufactured on request of the customer.
The difference to other decomposable systems in the area of repeaters: barrel and system are one unit The gun is decomposed with a locking tack
2. The locking tack is secured through a separate interlocking. The locking respectively the Solving of the tack can be made easily and can be managed with only one handle bar.
3. Therefore high level of reliability and easy handling
4. When the system is disassembled , it is (including the barrel) as long as the shank. On hunting travels, the gun can be easily transported in a suitcase with a length of 80 cm- ideal for safaris!

Pritz-systems TAKE DOWN for more success!